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Thursday, February 14, 2013

     Hello.  It has been a while since I wrote on this blog.  On Clone Wars, I've been busy playing Card Assault tournaments, trying to win booster packs.  It ain't easy.
     Anyway, here are some pictures of my new Coruscant Luxury Chamber Apartment.  I made a video using these pictures.  If am not too lazy, I will put that up, too...

There is the link to the video.

     So, what happened is I was playing Star Wars Galaxies from time to time.  It was a little bit tedious.  The Clone Wars came out, and I said, "Hey, this game isn't as extensive, but it is a lot more fun!"  So then Galaxies died, and I've been playing Clone Wars ever since.  I like the mini-games, and building stuff.
     Anyway, see you on the game.