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Friday, November 11, 2011

Morning Pontifications about CWA.

     It's pretty fun playing CWA, and working on my lots.  I really like how the characters move and walk in this game.  It feels alive, and filled with life.
     I know they have plans to never add to the Jedi Temple area, but maybe they should change those plans.
     Supposedly they are going to have an Umbara lot come out today.  Wow, they just came out with the Asteroid lot last week.  Also, there is supposed to be a new mini game.  The Clone Wars programmers are on a tear. 
     Actually, they plan all this stuff out months and months in advance, and then release when it is ready.  It looks like it is a strict schedule they all keep.
     Is working for Lucas fun?  I don't know.  It must be hard, especially being a computer animator doing all that stuff all day long.

     It's been funny to see that Star Wars has a world-wide cult following now.  People love all Star Wars stuff.  The Star Wars universe has really been fleshed out into a real place.  The Star Wars wikipedia is very thorough.

     Star Trek has it's fans and always will, but I don't see why they don't do a cgi series like Clone Wars, and just bring in new actors, and do the real five year mission.  No reason why they couldn't do that.  Well, it would be expensive.  Star Trek has a lot of loopholes.  So many it's like a colander that can't hold water.  The fans love Star Trek, though.  I think a lot of it has to do with grown women in mini-skirts and black knee high sex boots.

     So, my life on CWA has been better since I declared war on everybody, except for my friends.  I no longer tolerate people saying 'sup' to me.  I don't like hip-hop talk on the game, which is rarely funny.  I've talked to people on the game who speak like that normally, and believe me, there is not anything in their heads.  'Nothing' is a word they often use.  These people just seem programmed and stupid to me.  They are so into hip hop culture, that they can't escape it for five minutes on a video game.  They can't even pretend to be somebody else for a while.  It's more like, "I was raised on the streets, Holmes, so when I play CWA, I'm going to bring my culture with me where eva I go, nigga!'
     Big deal.  A lot of these kids are white and live in Illinois, and they bought some rap records when they were 12.  Big f-ing deal.


Monday, November 7, 2011

Bling Palace and other stuff that I feel like talking about.

     I worked on my Bling Palace today for four hours straight today.  It is coming along.  The blocks are very expensive, and it takes a long time to earn the credits to buy the new white and yellow Cody blocks.  If you play CWA and you want to buy me some Cody blocks, go for it.  Otherwise, it will be six months, and I still won't be finished with the palace.
     I'm hoping to make it as elaborate as all hell.

     It was nice that some kid said I was famous on youtube.  That is really sweet.  I don't have a paycheck coming in from this supposed fame, but accolades are always nice.

     I don't know what will happen, all I know is I am continuing to work as hard as I can with my writing, and with my artwork.  I was thinking of making a new blog devoted to The Artwork of David Lovins.  That sounds like a good thing to do.  I like that idea.  Then people can see easily what I do.  I have a website that my brother put together, and I like that website very much with what he did, it doesn't get updated enough.  He's been busy working on the stuff he needs to do, so that is understandable.  With my own blog, I can post whenever I want, and upload whatever pictures I want, so that will be nice.  Also, with my art, there usually needs to be some long explanation with what I do, just because some people miss the point.
     Some kid said the other day that I draw like a kid, and to me, that is a great success.  That is exactly what Picasso was going for in his adult life, to be able to go back into the innocence of childhood with his art.  The kid meant it as an insult to me and my art, so screw him.  All I know is that I know I can draw.  I've proved it to myself and others multiple times.  I don't have to prove it to every single person I encounter.

     More friend adds today.  It happens almost every time I log in that at least one person will add me.

     The last I heard, Clone Wars Adventures has a million people signed up for it at least.  Many people have multiple accounts so that number may be lower or higher, I'm not sure.

     Yeah, some of the kids need a lot of attention.  I just can't be best friends with everyone.  I do say hello to everyone that says hello to me.  I never initiate a conversation.  I don't have to.  People start up the conversation, and now that so many people know me, I can have over five conversations going on at once.  I end up talking to the ones that have something interesting to say.

     The worst is when some kid will say, "sup".  I have found that 100% of the time that a person who starts a conversation like that has nothing good to say.  I ask them what is going on, and they say, "nothing" and the conversation is a deep downward decline from there.  It doesn't even seem like anything is in their heads. 
     I know what it is, too.  I encounter the 'sup' people in real life.  So when I have to deal with 'sup people' in a Star Wars video game, I'm like, ".....ugh..."

     Anyhow, hope you enjoyed this censored but monetized blog.  I try to keep my Clone Wars blogs clean and mostly acceptable for both Blogger and my audience.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Some girl lied to me about how many people were at her party

     I only like to go to parties in CWA if there are at least ten people there.  So many times they invite me to a party, and THERE ARE ONLY TWO PEOPLE THERE!!
     Bleep this S***.
     So I told her there needed to be ten people there before I would show up.
     A little while passed, and she said

     Meaning that there was now ten people there.
     I showed up to her little padawan place, and THERE WERE ONLY TWO PEOPLE THERE!!
     I asked her about it, and she said, "Everybody left".

     So, within a minute, she had ten people there, and then eight of them simultaneously left is what she was saying.
     Lying little bitch.
     I don't know why people lie to me, I'm going to find out the truth.  All I know, is if you lie to me, you're going to get a blog entry written about you, and I might even include your name if I get really pissed off.

     Overall, nonmembers are a pain in the ass.  They can't scrape up $30 on a double cash weekend to buy a lifetime membership using game cards.  That isn't too hard to do.  On the one time they had a triple cash weekend, a full lifetime membership was only $20!
     So I don't want to hear about people's complaints.

     Two things I can't stand are thieves, and liars.

Brandon Nicholas and other stuff

     Anyway, when I met Brandon, he was in his human form.  He is now a Togruta.  He did the Annakin thing as well as anybody could do on that game, and he looked good doing it.  The girls liked it.  There were jealousies about  the attention he was getting.
     I looked up the name of Brandon Nicholas on the web.  It is a pretty common name, actually.  The thing is, that it seems to be a name that girls like.  It's so pert.
     My name?  Dirk Wampaflash?  No one could give an 'F'
     Anyhow, so we made a CWA video with Michael Jackson's 'Beat It'.  It turned out to be a pretty good video.  I would give it a B + now.  It was a difficult video to make.  It took me damn well three hours to finish that in one sitting.  It was quite a time commitment to make that video, geez.  But it is up on youtube forever.
     My brother made Brandon a website, but it's been not easy to update since he is really busy now.  I prefer blogs to websites.  I can put a lot of text in, pictures, and video, np.  I can control the blogs.  Websites seem to be too much work, but a blog like this is easy as pie.  Plus, I control everything in my blog, and that's how I like it.
     Well, Brandon's had trouble with people joining his squad, and then ranking up, and then deleting members that are lower down on the tier.  So, there is treachery on Clone Wars Adventures.
     I've declared war on everybody on the game except my friends, but that's another story.
     To continue, Brandon seems to be engaged in the Nova Squad/Dark Nebula war.  I am just out of that one.  I just want to avoid all the petty drama within a Star Wars social game designed for kids.
     Has Brandon brought some of it upon himself?  Maybe.  But even that is none of my business.  I don't make the news, I report it.  I think maybe Brandon has kind of brought attention to himself with the whole thing about being 'The Chosen One'.  He seems to be over it now, which can only be a good thing.

     Brandon and I still say hi to each other once in a while, and we are on good terms;  but, I am just out of the drama.

     In other news, my Rebels and Rogues squad is going good.  I hardly have any members, just like how I like it.  There is a new member by the name of Remulus Fluxorbit.  Nice kid.  Out of the kindness of his heart, he bought over 30,000 credits of asteroid furniture for my Asteroid Lot.  Cool.  Then I made the video of the lot, and gave him credit.   Apparently, this kid needs a lot of attention.  That is why I have a small squad.  Let's put it this way, if I had a full squad with 100 members, and every kid needed as much attention as Remulus needs, I'd go insane.
     My solution when five to eight people are talking to me on the game at once is to just log off and escape.

     My goto game to escape to is currently Lotro.  Remulus asked me what my character name on that was.  That's all I need, to go to that game and have somebody say, "Hey Dirk, it's me, Remulus!"

     So, the new Asteroid Lot is pretty cool.  It really gives the feeling of outer space, which I am really happy about.
     In addition, I finished laying down all the Cody white tiles on my Kamino Lot.   It took a whole week to do this.  I will do a full count of how many tiles I laid down, then I will be able to calculate how many credits I spent on that.  It's a lot.  Each one costs 200 credits.  It took countless games of Mine Buster on hard level to buy all those.  Was it a waste of time?  Yes, but the floor on that lot will be there forever.  It was an accomplishment to put in that floor and took a lot of persistence and willpower.  I'm exhausted from it, but I am glad it is finally done.      My god.  It's all for my Bling Palace, so it actually has just begun.
     I wish they would have some staircases for sale so I wouldn't have to build ramps all the time.  Also, Free Realms have elevator platforms that take you from side to side, and up and down.  Clone Wars doesn't have that, and it sucks.  The chat box sucks in both games with their prolific editing of the English language, even with clean words.  It more than pisses me off slightly.  Anyhow, I need staircases, I need more household items, I need blocks of different sizes to build with.  I feel limited with what I can build.  They are finally starting to have a good vocabulary of things you can build with, and you can do a lot with what they give you, but I'm still not satisfied.  I need more.
     Building on Free Realms has it's limitations, too.  I'm frustrated with that.  There just hasn't been anything exciting to build with on that game for a long time.  I was happy to put in some vampire coffins, but I was hoping by now they would bring in some more furniture items.

     Okay, so there is all that.
     Let's see, what else is there?
     I don't know for now, I think I covered all the bases for the meantime.

Beg Kids

     Basically, it started on Free Realms with all the Beg Kids, but there they would try and hustle you into trading your blackspore gloves for example.  There were lots of people trying to take advantage of others who didn't know the value of their items.  It became ridiculous to wear valuable items, because people would just friend you in order to try and obtain the item.

     Anyway, on Clone Wars Adventures, the beg kids were of a different breed, or spawn, if you will....haha.
     To continue, uh, ....these kids were very aggressive and persistent, and I noticed a tendency to not take 'no' for an answer.
     Ultimately, the best thing to do is to just say that you are broke and that you have no credits and no SC.  They seem to go away.
     As Beg Kid Spawn, they must feed constantly.  They are like little aliens that must constantly consume.

     Funny enough, but there are beginning to be kids who are RBG.....Recovering Beg Kids.  haha.
     Being a beg kid is as if you have a disease that you must recover from, as serious as alcoholism..haha.
     What they need is a Beg Kid Recovery Center....haha.

Clone Wars Adventures War Journal

     Hi.  My name is Dirk Wampaflash on Clone Wars Adventures.  I have been on the game since beta.
     Originally when I started the game, I was just planning on having around ten friends.  That was not to be.  I now have over three-thousand.
     Anyway, I have witnessed and observed a lot of interactions within the game, and this blog will be the record of my experiences.