It's pretty fun playing CWA, and working on my lots. I really like how the characters move and walk in this game. It feels alive, and filled with life.
I know they have plans to never add to the Jedi Temple area, but maybe they should change those plans.
Supposedly they are going to have an Umbara lot come out today. Wow, they just came out with the Asteroid lot last week. Also, there is supposed to be a new mini game. The Clone Wars programmers are on a tear.
Actually, they plan all this stuff out months and months in advance, and then release when it is ready. It looks like it is a strict schedule they all keep.
Is working for Lucas fun? I don't know. It must be hard, especially being a computer animator doing all that stuff all day long.
It's been funny to see that Star Wars has a world-wide cult following now. People love all Star Wars stuff. The Star Wars universe has really been fleshed out into a real place. The Star Wars wikipedia is very thorough.
Star Trek has it's fans and always will, but I don't see why they don't do a cgi series like Clone Wars, and just bring in new actors, and do the real five year mission. No reason why they couldn't do that. Well, it would be expensive. Star Trek has a lot of loopholes. So many it's like a colander that can't hold water. The fans love Star Trek, though. I think a lot of it has to do with grown women in mini-skirts and black knee high sex boots.
So, my life on CWA has been better since I declared war on everybody, except for my friends. I no longer tolerate people saying 'sup' to me. I don't like hip-hop talk on the game, which is rarely funny. I've talked to people on the game who speak like that normally, and believe me, there is not anything in their heads. 'Nothing' is a word they often use. These people just seem programmed and stupid to me. They are so into hip hop culture, that they can't escape it for five minutes on a video game. They can't even pretend to be somebody else for a while. It's more like, "I was raised on the streets, Holmes, so when I play CWA, I'm going to bring my culture with me where eva I go, nigga!'
Big deal. A lot of these kids are white and live in Illinois, and they bought some rap records when they were 12. Big f-ing deal.
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