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Sunday, November 6, 2011

Some girl lied to me about how many people were at her party

     I only like to go to parties in CWA if there are at least ten people there.  So many times they invite me to a party, and THERE ARE ONLY TWO PEOPLE THERE!!
     Bleep this S***.
     So I told her there needed to be ten people there before I would show up.
     A little while passed, and she said

     Meaning that there was now ten people there.
     I showed up to her little padawan place, and THERE WERE ONLY TWO PEOPLE THERE!!
     I asked her about it, and she said, "Everybody left".

     So, within a minute, she had ten people there, and then eight of them simultaneously left is what she was saying.
     Lying little bitch.
     I don't know why people lie to me, I'm going to find out the truth.  All I know, is if you lie to me, you're going to get a blog entry written about you, and I might even include your name if I get really pissed off.

     Overall, nonmembers are a pain in the ass.  They can't scrape up $30 on a double cash weekend to buy a lifetime membership using game cards.  That isn't too hard to do.  On the one time they had a triple cash weekend, a full lifetime membership was only $20!
     So I don't want to hear about people's complaints.

     Two things I can't stand are thieves, and liars.

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