I am mentally preparing to go back home and turn 'Clone Wars Adventures' on.
I don't know what will happen when I do.
It is a different game every time when it isn't the same.
- Anyway, look at this...I discovered the 'point bullet' list function on this blog. Now I can write about item after item.
- You know what? There are two sides to every coin, and one time in a million, a coin will land on its edge when flipped. This has been mathematically proven.
- R2-D2 has more emotional value than Padme. I am still not convinced of Natalie Portman's acting skills. She started young, and I saw her on David Letterman as a youth. She just seems 'tinny' to me, and doesn't seem to have much resonance as a person. She might be a delight in real life, who knows? But it doesn't seem to come across in her acting. She is a pretty lady, and has earned her Star Wars status as 'Princess Leia's mom' but that's about it. She is a celebrity, but is she a real actor? Can she really create a character and make it her own? Or is she just herself in every movie and just 'acts' her way through it? I am just not convinced of any great talent she has as an actress. She looked great in tight white pants at one point, I'll give her that. But, eventually, the woman gets older, and the ass ages along with it. Then she becomes a mom, and who else cares after that? It is just how the world is. We love youth and beauty, and despise old age in this culture.
- I like my new Shadow armor. I still need at least one more beacon to obtain my Shadow rifle, maybe more. I did find a beacon this morning after looking around for twenty minutes. Those things are so hard to find, so it is terrible when you find one, and some kid comes along and steals it. This pisses me off to no end.
- I have tried to 'train' enemies onto players in the Umbara zone, like you could do in EverQuest, but it doesn't work too well.
- It isn't easy to get beacons for Jedi Meditation Orange Trees. It takes a while to get all eight of them. It could be ten, I am not sure exactly.
- I am sure that Star Wars: The Old Republic will help to decrease the player population of 'Clone Wars Adventures'. A lot of players will not have a good enough computer to play TOR, though, so those people will be stuck with me, and I will be stuck with them until I can get an upgrade.
- It was cool that a dad was on the game with his son last night. "Hey Dad! Come over here!" That was cool to see in the chat box.
- Well, I could sit on my ass here and type, or go home and play the game. Hmmm, what should I do? I have coffee at home I can drink instead of spending more money here that I don't have yet.
- Well, it looks like it is time for war.
- It is time to crush and destroy my opponents and enemies.
- The cafe is a good cantina. All kinds of aliens come here. I just saw a guy that poked his head into the door, and he literally looked like 'That Yellow Bastard' from Frank Miller's SIN CITY. His ears stuck out and were really big, and he had a similar goblin face.
- I still have not made an Umbara video yet. I have been waiting. I know the zone well enough to make a run-through video now. When I am not lazy, and when I take care of some other things on my computer, like making more memory space on it, I will film it.
- I always have to explain to people why I can't make a video of them right now. There are problems, because I make so many videos that it clogs up my computer, so I have to go through this whole process with every video. It isn't even easy to explain here. Basically, I have to make one or two at a time, and there is also limited room on my memory card on my camera. Like I said, it isn't easy to explain, and it isn't even worth explaining. All I know is I have to follow certain steps. If I have too much crap on my computer, then the games won't work, and I've been trying to take care of that problem for a while now. I know how to solve the problem, it will just take time to do so. I've been a very prolific photographer over the last five years.
- Okay, I'm about ready to go home now to see what happens.
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