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Monday, December 19, 2011

My mount disappeared, but it is back now and other stuff

    F***.  I just got off the game.  My eyes are all batty from running around on Umbara.
    Imagine my freak out when my AT-RT mount just disappeared.  It was a lag thing.  I rebooted the game, and it came back, thank god.  I was thinking that they would wear out, and that I would have to buy another one, and at four bucks a pop, that would suck.
    I almost gave both myself and Vann Blazebreaker a heart attack with the fact that my mount had disappeared, because I was telling him what happened.
    Anyway, I helped Vann to get an orange tree in the Officer's Club.  He was happy when he finally got one.

    A kid named Sam took took two of my beacons that I was standing right in front of on Umbara.  I was just about to get them and the little bastard stole them from me.  I was mad because I just spent an hour looking for them, and then when I found them they were stolen right under my nose. 
    So, that is the new kind of kid, 'The Beacon Stealing Kid'.  What they do is follow you around on Umbara and let you do all the fighting, and then they scan the landscape, and steal what ever beacon might be there.  You are too busy fighting, so you don't even realize what happened.

     Anyway, I was able to put three new orange trees on my Kamino lot, so I was happy.

     It is nice to just sit here and write after the game, because that new zone, while being awesome, makes my eyes buggy.

     In comparison to EverQuest, and even Free Realms, CWA doesn't have that much real estate in it.  Umbara is going to get old really fast once enough people get their Shadow armor.  They are going to have put new quests in the zone eventually, and more things to do.

     'Clone Wars' still has a long way to go as a video game.  I'm glad it keeps getting better and improving, but it is not epic yet.  I hope some day it will be.
     While I'm at it, I also hope they get some better writing in the Clone Wars t.v. show.  I don't know why they have to keep that sucktastic feeling from Episode I going, where the characters feel so wooden, and the words have no feeling.  Padme is an emotionless character.  It is really hard to care about her.  R2 has more emotional depth, and he's a droid.

     You know what I am saying?  (  Just so you know, I hate that phrase. )

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