It's my job to write about CWA. I don't see anybody else doing it in quite the same way. Why should they? Most of the players are teen-agers.
A lot of the players only write in one or two word phrases. The main language of CWA is 'common chat'. It makes it difficult to communicate. Couple that with the inadequacies of the chat box, and that means if you like to communicate thoughts in your head, it is very difficult. The receiving end of some of my sentences is often met with a 'huh'?
Yes, they are younglings. Maybe it would help if they picked up a book once in a while instead of getting on video games all the time.
If I was a kid, and I had a choice between a video game and a book, I would never pick up a book. Maybe it was good that I didn't have video games growing up. I read a lot of books.
Anyway, I bought a jedi robe for my Eeetch pet. The robe makes him float in a meditation style for a second, or he swings his little light saber. They also have sith robes for Eeetch. I wonder what that does? Probably something similiar, but in an evil way.
The game does get boring. I see no point in telling everyone around you how bored you are. If you are bored, log off the game instead of making everyone around you suffer because of the lack of mental activity in your head.
Believe it or not, there are other video games besides CWA to play. There are lots of free-to-play games out there, with Lotro and D & D online being a couple of my favorites.
CWA is best played frequently in short blasts of time. I like to break my time on CWA into 'sessions', where there is a beginning, middle, and an end. Do a little here, do something there, and log out.
There is no better way to get rid of people than to just exit the game.
Sometimes it is good to not let people get to know you too well.
There is no point in spreading yourself too thin.
To think, I've been at the cafe for an hour, and this is all I've gotten done. Things happen. There is set-up time, thinking time, getting coffee, talking to a couple of people, and attempting to craft something decent for people to read is not easy.
I could have just sat at home, and made some credits.
The thing is, I need my cafe time to get away from everything at home.
I can't think at home for certain things. It is all too complicated to explain.
To be honest, I've gotten myself into one hell of a mess recently, and I don't know how I am going to get out of it.
My check was supposed to arrive a week ago, but I don't see it anywhere.
I am pretty much screwed without money.
It is going to be a sucky Christmas for me, and that is sad. It's my own damn fault, too. Now I have to suffer the consequences of my actions and inactions.
It is going to suck to be me pretty soon. I'm not looking forward to what is going to happen. It is going to get dark before I see any light.
- Most of the people in the game don't even consider capitalizing or punctuating anything. This makes it difficult to interpret anything it is that they are saying.
- Talking to some of the players is like entering a cave of darkness that is their head.
- Ignorance is evil, because light is energy. If there is no light, there is darkness.
- A bright mind can illuminate a room.
- However, the sun brings light, but it can also destroy all life. Therefore, it is all about the balance between dark and light.
- Wish me luck, everybody. I might be falling into the abyss.
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