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Friday, December 30, 2011

The Cult of Dirk Wampaflash

     Well, all I can say is it is the Clone Wars Kids that give me a lot of hits on youtube.  I didn't know my original Dirk Wampaflash video would get so many hits.  I made it when the game was in beta, I think.  Then, the more hits I got, the more time I spent on the game, and then I started making more videos of CWA.  It's been fun.
     Most of the people on the game are nice to me.
     Not every video I make is good, but every once in a while I come up with a good one.
     I just try to have fun on the game like anybody else, despite what some people think.
     The main thing I like to do on Clone Wars is build things.  I'm an artist, and I like that kind of stuff.

     Dirk Wampaflash was born because of an accident.  I originally tried to make an Annakin kind of human character, but something went wrong.  It didn't work.  Then I tried again, and it was a clone with the name of Dirk Wampaflash, and that sounded good to me, so that is how Dirk was born.
     'Dirk' sounds like Kirk from Star Trek, so that worked for me.  There was also a 'Dirk The Daring' from an animated video game I forget the name of.  I wasn't crazy about 'Wampa' but it sounded like 'Wonka' so that was cool.  'Flash' reminded me of 'Flash Gordon'.  So that is why I picked his name.  I usually don't like words that start with 'W'.  They sound weak to me, unless it is something like 'warrior'.

     I don't know if it is a cult yet, but I have a couple of fans, and that is nice.

     The ultimate goal would be to work 'Dirk Wampaflash' into Clone Wars mythology, as kind of a slacker-artist clone who doesn't really want to go to war, because he doesn't believe in it.

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