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Thursday, December 22, 2011

I was on the game this morning...

     I had just woken up, and turned on the game, and Wes Shiptalon was there.  Don't these kids go to school?  Maybe it is the holiday.
     Anyway, Wes is a good kid.  It seems like he comes from a good family. 
     He doesn't talk much, nor should he.
     He is only ten years old, I think.
     I couldn't figure out at first why this kid was following me around all the time, but then I started to accept it.
     I figure I am Batman and he is Robin.
     I know he must have a good Dad, and that is real cool.  Wes must follow certain rules on the game in terms of how he interacts with people.  For example, Wes will not accept any gifts from me.  That is good.  He is his parents responsibility, and they are the ones who should buy him SC, and they do from time to time.  He is a lucky kid.
     Not all kids are that lucky on Clone Wars.  Some kids can't afford membership, though, on double or triple cash day, lifetime membership only costs between $20-$30.  All you have to do on those days is go to the game store, get Clone Wars or Free Realms cards and type the codes in, and buy the membership in-game.
     I have an alternative character I would like to make a member.  I will once I get a job or some art sales or something.

     One reason why I play Clone Wars is I don't have to think all that much.  It takes a lot out of me to play these other online games, like 'Lord of The Rings Online'.  I don't always have the time to get involved in an epic quest.  Even on that game, I just go in there just to do mindless killing.  I like to grind while I am doing other things around the art studio.  I can't devote my life to online games, though, to be honest, it is starting to become a business for me.  Play the game, make a video, get hits,...hey!  Making video game videos has made my character Dirk Wampaflash fairly well-known within the game.

     All attention is on Star Wars: The Old Republic.  So, ....I don't know what to say about that.  All I know is I won't be playing TOR for a long, long time.
     TOR is a kid's game, too, just so you know.  It is designed for people 18 and under mostly.  People of all ages play it.

     Free Realms is way more of a kid's game then Clone Wars.  I feel like I am a kid when I play Free Realms.  With Clone Wars, however, it is war, and that is an adult theme, no matter what anybody says.
     It is an odd thing having clones fight your war for you.  They are...expendable.  They are just clones, right?  Yes, but they are human, too.
     The U.S. Army probably wouldn't mind having trained war-minded clones.  Maybe they will have them some day.

     I still don't buy the romance between Annakin and Padme.  Their whole relationship just seems all screwed up and emotionless, and they never really have time for each other.  Annakin is into his war thing, and being a jedi, and Padme is into her politics, with her teen-age girl idealistic solutions to problems.

     Luke and Leia are supposed to be twins.  Luke is the older child.  They look nothing like each other.  There would be similarities in the face.  That is what happens when you don't decide Darth is their father until the second movie.
     If they really were brother and sister, they would have realized it just by looking at each other.  Luke would never have had a crush on Leia, because he would have known.
     It's all a little ridiculous.
     I know it is just a movie, but we expect a lot from movies.

     I still don't know what to think of Clone Wars.  I still have a hard time accepting Anakin as a character that I care about.  I care even less about Padme.
     I like Mace Windu more and more.  Too bad they didn't make better use of him in the movies.

     My brother pointed out the other day that people love Greedo, and he is just some guy with a mask on.  Meanwhile, people still hate Jar Jar as a character.  It is too bad they didn't just put a guy in a costume.  It might have worked better. 
     In Babylon 5, people in alien costumes works just fine, just like Episode IV.  An alien costume helps with the believability.  The cgi just...still bugs me after all these years.
  •      Wow, almost one-hundred hits on this blog.  I know most of the hits are mine, as I log in to write the articles.  Other hits will come from other sources eventually.  It all just takes time.
  •      The Umbara war zone makes me dizzy.  The reason is because I am looking for the holos, or small beacons.  To find them, I have to move the camera of the game a lot, and this causes my head to spin after a while.  The beacons are in hard to find places, too.  To find them, you must have a keen eye, persistence, and determination.  Or the easy way, is to find a friend who is good at finding them.  I had a friend help me find quite a few.  I would never have found that many holos without some help.
  •      Yes, now that TOR is out, I don't expect too much attention to be placed on Clone Wars.  Also, I am sad that SWG is done.  I still had not really finished the game.  My characters are now non-existent, and that is sad.  It is like a whole alternate reality was created, and is now dead.  They changed the game so many times, though, that I got confused, and I never figured out what the hell was going on in the game, nor did I have enough time to play it.
  •      I still have more than plenty to do on Lotro, so there is no need to play TOR for even another year.  I will let everyone else play, and help work out all the bugs of the game.  I am in no hurry for it.
  •      One thing about TOR is, that all the women have large breasts, and all the men wear tight pants with their bulge showing.  The pants are tight even on the guys' butts, and that is kind of gay, just so everybody knows.

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